Friday, June 1, 2018

OWLA Meeting Wednesday June 6th, 2018

 Owasco Watershed Lake Association Meeting
June 6, 2018
Springside Inn at 7:00 PM
Welcome Members and Guests!
7:00 PM - In-lake Technologies - Dana Hall
7:15 PM - Call to Order
·         Roll Call Sheet (1 minute)
·         Approval of May 2, 2018 Minutes - Peter Rogers (1 minute)
·         President's Report (5 minutes)
·         Committee Reports
o    Treasurer's Report and Budget - Jeff Trescot and Peter Rogers (5 minutes)
o    Elections - Ann Robson (20 minutes)
o    Lake Day, News, Meetings with Other Organizations - Rick Nelson (5 minutes)
o    Citizen Science - Julie Lockhart and Kim Mills (15 minutes)
o    Outreach - Nancy Hart (5 minutes)
o    Membership Update - Rosemarie Romano and Linda Vitale (10 minutes)
o    Adopt a Highway Proposal - Dana Hall (5 minutes)
o    Lake Level - Jim Beckwith (5 minutes)
·         Old Business
o    Governor's Proposal Update - Ken Kudla (5 minutes)
·         New Business
·         Open discussion-membership thoughts
·         8:30 PM - Adjourn
We value your opinions and ideas regarding OWLA and encourage you to participate in OWLA meetings.

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