Wednesday, March 6, 2013
12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Location: Cornell Cooperative Extension, 248 Grant
Avenue, Auburn NY
11:00- OWLA members are invited to attend a special session with
cover crop experts, this will be an “introduction to cover crops”. OWLA members
are also invited to stay for the rest of the day if they choose.
12:00 - We will ask
Paul Salon, ( NRCS-USDA) to speak about some of his research and discoveries at
the Big Flats Plant Materials Center, a
Field Station focusing on Cover crops and other Conservation practices.
1:00 - Quirine Ketterings, Associate Professor Cornell Nutrient
Management Spear ( Soil Fertility)Program Department of Animal Science Cornell
University, will speak on the Double
cropping research that provides many of the positive enhancements that cover
cropping normally does and allows for an additional crop to be harvested to
increase yield from that field.
2:00 - Growers panel
We are asking a number of local farmers to speak about their experiences
with cover crops under conditions very close to your own here in Cayuga County.
After each session we will have a chance for farmers to
inquire or clarify what the speaker provided.
We are doing this meeting to provide information about cover
cropping systems that could improve conditions within your fields
There will be no fees associated with this presentation, and
no lunch provided, so plan to eat before or after.
If you are a person with a disability and require any
auxiliary aids, services, or other accommodations for a program, contact us as
soon as possible, please.
Amy Barra
Environmental Educator
Cornell Cooperative Extension Cayuga County
248 Grant Ave Auburn, Ny 13021
(315) 255-1183 x. 229
(315) 255-1187